Everything You Need for National Hamburger Day

National Hamburger Day doesn’t come around often – just once a year, if you can believe it – and only with thoughtful preparation can it be enjoyed to the fullest. Because waking up without the necessary items is like waking up with egg on your face – and not the good, fried kind that you put on your burger.
Here’s what you’ll need on this beautifully beefy day:
Ball Park® Hamburger Buns.
Do we really need to explain this one?
Your favorite beverage.
Burger eatin’ is a lot of hard work, and you WILL get thirsty. Take a break to cool off with an ice-cold, delicious Coca-Cola so you can live to see another burger.
The other burger stuff.
This’ll depend on what you want to eat. Here’s a tip: Whether you’re hankering for breakfast, lunch, dunch, dinner or second dinner, the best grocery lists begin and end with our recipe page.
At least three rolls of paper towels, or maybe just a bib.
Hamburgers are a passion, a way of life, a time to immerse your taste buds in the tender, beefy goodness of fine American cuisine. And if you eat like you should – with reckless abandon – collateral damage is bound to happen. You might get some stains, but they’ll be worth it.
An American flag.
When you’re done chowing down, you’ll want to grab the nearest American flag, run outside and passionately wave it like you just ate the most patriotic food any American could ever eat – which you did.
A cozy blanket and a comfy couch.
Conquering National Hamburger Day is no easy task, and you’ll need to recharge after each meal. Make sure you nap hard between meals so you can eat even harder when you get up. And when the clock strikes midnight, you’re free to hibernate until the next National Hamburger Day, then do it all over again.